Small Screen Scribbles at Gallery XXL
Current event
We are excited to begin the series with Small Screen Scribbles, a guided short-from writing workshop open to anyone who wants to try out creative writing!
What you'll do
You'll spend an hour organising your thoughts through some good old writing and reading-aloud over light banter and refreshments.
The Process
We'll discuss the three basic stages of writing within a word limit, see and revisit the works of Sajid Wajid Shaikh and Jofre Oliveras displayed at the gallery, and leave with a draft we can share with folks we know would enjoy it too.
Why do it this way?
We all have (or want!) that friend or group of people with whom conversation is all about what we did or thought or saw the past week. Often, we share pictures, but we are at a loss for words about those experiences. Or there's so much to say and little attention (or space)!
Who is it for?
Small Screen Scribbles is a workshop for anyone who wants to try a hand at writing tidbits about art which goes beyond just pictures or videos.
Write, Share, Discover.
This is a judgement-free, respectful, safe space for sharing your writing.
The Wow Quotient
The best part is that we get to write sitting amidst works by two brilliant artists whose works have travelled far and wide